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Showing posts from October, 2011

Seoul International Students Forum : Group D and its awesome idea

Since 2008, every year Seoul Global Center under umbrella of Seoul Metropolitan government organizes Seoul International Students Forum(SISF) for both foreigner and korean students who are enrolled in universities of Seoul! This give students a chance to commingle, share ideas and have fun all together! The sole purpose of SISF is to nurture hidden talents of students by giving them oppournity to work on policy proposal that should be unique and practical. Having said that, it is not easy to do such activities specially if there are students from diverse backgrounds and cultures. SISF members came from more than 30 countries across Europe, Asia and America.                  SISF first general assembly meeting [24 June 2011] @ Human Resource Center All the students were placed in 6 groups (A,B,C,D,E,F). I was placed in Group D (that is later given name Dolphins -:) )  Each group was given a task to come up with a a simple ...